Discovering King Tut – Lord Carnarvon’s Tragic Death
Por Coordinadores de AE
Creación: 27 enero, 2010
Modificación: 27 enero, 2010
Visitas: 3.973

The 8th Earl of Carnarvon, George Herbert and his wife, 8th Countess of Carnarvon, Fiona Herbert, talk to Heritage Key about the death of their ancestor Lord Carnarvon and how it impacted on those closest to him. They talk about the strains of fame after discovering the Tomb of King Tutankhamun (KV62) and how the dwindling finances from investing in the excavations led to him selling many of his homes. His already poor health was worsened after a mosquito bite was aggravated, and then fell victim of pneumonia at the untimely age of just 56.


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