The Discovery of the Unfinished Step Pyramid of Sekhemkhet in Saqqara
Por Coordinadores de AE
Creación: 10 noviembre, 2009
Modificación: 10 noviembre, 2009
Visitas: 3.002

Dr Zahi Hawass explains the discovery of «The Unfinished Pyramid» of Sekhemkhet, Saqqara, by Egyptologist Zakaria Goneim. He tells us the story of a Goneim who found twenty gold bracelets and beads, and then excavated a sealed sarcophagus, adorned in funerary wreaths. In front of state officials and the world’s media, Goneim opened the sarcophagus to reveal that it was completely empty. Despite this, Goneim went on to lecture around the United States and published a successful book about the discovery – «The Buried Pyramid». However, back at home things were turning against Goneim as a conspiracy to bring about his downfall began.


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