King Tut – The Curse of the Mummy (feat. Zahi Hawass)
Por Coordinadores de AE
Creación: 5 diciembre, 2009
Modificación: 5 diciembre, 2009
Visitas: 4.250

One of the most popular stories around the discovery of King Tutankhamun is that of the Curse of King Tut. The story was popularised after the death of the discovery’s funder Lord Carnarvon, who was believed to have succumbed to a mosquito or cobra bite, just 6 weeks after the tomb was opened. Fuelled by a mistranslation of the Anubis statue which threatened death on all those who entered the tomb, a media frenzy took over, even though the vast majority of the team, including explorer Howard Carter, went on to live long lives. Dr Zahi Hawass recounts these tales and tells us that he had never believed in such a curse upon the Tomb of King Tutankhamun. That is, until he faces his own mysterious set of circumstances after examining the boy king’s mummy.


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